Does The Order Of Your Workout Matter?

Britney Spears’ Weird Workout Gear Explained: It’s a Sauna Suit, Causes “Profuse Sweating”

Britney Spears

The longer you’re in that position, the higher your risk of injury becomes, he says. You’re also likely to offset your balance, warns Karp. “You’re looking to the left or to the right and your body’s going to follow a little bit,” he says. Slumping over can also limit your oxygen intake, says Cardiello. To guarantee you’re standing your tallest, imagine someone is pouring ice water down your spine, he says.
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Cute and useful workout gear for the spring

Easy strider 360

Our dessert? Fruit.” As a result, Menounos went overboard with binge-eating when she went to college, and promptly gained 40 pounds indulging in huge portions of candy, chips and pizza. “I didn’t gain the Freshman 15 I gained the Freshman 40. I could keep candy and chips in my room and eat all the late-night pizza I could afford. I grew to a size 14 and kept growing.
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Whether youre headed out for a hike, run or taking a yoga class, enhance your performance and appearance with these must-have gadgets. Photo credit: XiXinXing / Getty images MP3 player and headphones Before heading out for your next workout, update your MP3 player with music that will increase your motivation and keep your stamina strong during your sweat session. Working out can be a difficult and dreaded task, says Ryan Read, personal trainer at Thrive Specialized Training. One of the best ways to keep adrenaline high and to stay motivated is by listening to music. Apple makes several music players that are great for working out. Choose something compact or handheld for as little as $49.
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Maria Menounos details 40-pound p90X3 weight loss: Her workout and diet tips

Maria Menounos

It accelerates “super profuse sweating,” she said, “as much as three times [as much as without the suit], which goes directly to [a] more efficient detox.” PHOTOS: Britney’s hottest concert costumes! “The hyper sweatsuit retains the heat closer to your body, and because of the trapped moisture everything feels more steamy,” added the Shape House owner. “It’s like cooking in your own juices.” Well, whatever this sauna suit does seems to be working for Brit! She also stays in shape thanks to her dance-filled “Britney: Peace of Me” show at Las Vegas’ Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.
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